Explorations in Art: A Community Connection

A Community Connection, Resource Masters CD-ROM Zoom
Product Number: 916-7
ISBN: 978-08719-2916-7
Your Price: $ 286.95
A Community Connection, Resource Masters CD-ROM
Marilyn G. Stewart and Eldon Katter
Teacher Resources CD-ROM (included with your purchase of 30 print Student Books)
  • Lesson-specific support includes studio masters, rubrics, unit reviews, maps, background on art and artists, games, manipulatives, report formats, and more
  • Teacher support includes letters to parents, portfolio-making templates, blank timelines, and more

This comprehensive video takes you through a complete chapter of A Personal Journey, providing a complete overview of the lessons and teacher support provided in Explorations in Art Middle School. Teacher content includes connections to language arts and core academic subjects, comprehensive differentiated instruction, and practical teaching tips.