Exploring Painting

Exploring Painting, Assessment Zoom
Product Number: 607-5
ISBN: 978-08719-2607-4
Out of print/Discontinued
Your Price: $ 27.95
Exploring Painting, Assessment
Gerald F. Brommer and Nancy K. Kinne

A comprehensive overview of painting techniques, tools, and traditions.

From cave drawings to color theory, this contemporary studio program provides a comprehensive overview of painting techniques, tools, and traditions. It explores historical and cultural influences while taking a close-up look at current topics of interest in the world of art and art education.

  • Studio rubrics provide guidelines for holistic evaluation.
  • Chapter review questions reinforce key ideas and concepts.

This comprehensive video takes you through a complete chapter of the Experience Painting Student Book and Teacher Edition to give you a complete view of the lessons and teacher content provided in the Davis Studio Series.